Friday 15 January 2016


"Hey! Stop"
"I was calling you so hard.... you just didn't listen ! .... What's wrong with you ?"
"Nothing ! .... I just didn't pay attention"

He then walked away. His ignorance allowed just this much to come out from inside him.

She was still standing at the same place.... puzzled!
She saw him going away, till his persona shrunk to the size of 'dew'.... outside as well as inside her !
Her eyes experienced a different hue all around her. For a second, she almost gone blank.... trying to sync with the coldness (with which he left) & the warmth (she always possessed).
The clock struck sharply.. marking the hour, from the clock tower behind her, bringing her into consciousness.
After a long period of numbness.. finally tears ran down her cheeks. The warmth of tears helped her regain sensitivity.
She didn't even once.. try to wipe them out as.. every falling tear was taking away her sorrow with it.
And that's what she really wanted then.
She made her hands move in search of her phone. Taking it out.. she hurriedly typed something & without a delay her thumb pressed the send button.
Her message was received. But this time.. to 'whom' she really wanted to.
A few minutes after.... she was with *him. She really was .... with *him.
This time she stretched her hand towards *him. *He held it with the same gentleness as *he always wanted to. She gave *him *his life & her world.. & with a loving heart.... *he promised to take utmost care of it.
With smiles on their faces, they both walked on. They walked on.... the streets of Red Square, Moscow.
The streets .... that witnessed the most substantial turn of her life.
She never looked back. And she will never forget the Red Square streets.. as that day those streets walked with her too.

P.S. -• He & *He were two different beings.
        -•  The famous 'Saviour tower' is the clock tower mentioned in this fictional composition.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Grown Up Studying Computer Memory? Let's Check Out Human Memory !

•• Our ability to learn & to create new memories is fundamental to our very existence; we rely 'heavily' on memory to engage in almost all effective actions.
(Even to provide us with a personal identity & sense of self).

••What's more interesting in case of humans is that.... like everything, we tend to take our memory for granted. And the only time most of us pay attention to our memory is - When it fails! (अरे! ये मैं कैसे भूल गया?/मुझे आजकल कुछ याद नहीं रहता !/मुझे भूलने की बीमारी हो गयी है।/मैं चीज़ें रख के भूल जाता हूँ....)- Applicable to both the sexes equally :-D

••Human Memory is basically divided into three storage systems:
1. Sensory Memory
2. Short-term Memory (STM)
3. Long-term Memory (LTM)

••1) Sensory Memory - Based on 'Transduction of energy' (conversion into electrical signals). Our Environment makes available, a variety of information in terms of light, sound, smell, heat, cold, etc. But the brain only understands electrical stimulation. So, our body has special sensory receptor cells that convert these varieties into something that the brain can understand.
The memory created here is very short & lasts hardly for about a few seconds. In 90% of cases we miss it but.. (Encountering faces while walking in a crowd). We do pay attention to it if it has an interesting feature..(a beautiful lady). OR if it activates a known pattern..(that boy looked like my friend).

••2) STM - Only a limited amount of information is transferred from sensory memory to STM. Working memory or conscious memory is the major part of it & relates to what we are thinking about at any given moment in time. We keep it active until it is put to use..(a phone no. we repeat to ourselves until we dial it properly on the phone).

••3) LTM - Sort of a permanent storage. Information is stored on the basis of meaning & importance..(People we really mean & give importance & priority take shelter in our LTM & thus hard to forget at times).
The knowledge we store in LTM affects our perceptions of the world..
LTM works through top-down processing; our prior knowledge affects how we perceive sensory information. Our expectations regarding a particular sensory experience influence how we interpret it. That's how we develop 'bias'.

••In my opinion studying about human memory is far more interesting than learning the exact capacities of computer memory.... Bits & Bytes !! [That's how we develop 'bias' :-) ]


Occasionally, I strongly feel the need of having a formal GUIDELINE on HOW TO USE DIFFERENT SOCIAL PLATFORMS DIFFERENTLY.

What i feel is that despite trying so hard to maintain the uniqueness, various social sites end up providing just with the facilities of following, liking, sharing....Isn't it?

Though i don't deny the existence of social sites, where 'I' understand the purpose of using them.... like YouTube, Skype, Twitter (esp. as it has word limits) etc.

But still i feel a bit confused regarding the use & the type of networking associated with some of the networking platforms. (Not in a mood to directly mention their names)
But from a layman's & a fresher's point of view i would like to argue regarding the same.... no matter how people are going to measure my viewpoint on their own standard-thinking scales.... HAHAHA

More or less everywhere we find the same agenda....sharing the pictures with taglines or stories 'bout them....
At least there should be a classification like....

Unless we all end up copying the trends our fellow users adopt to utilise that platform.... with nothing new to learn....

Moreover, i feel having platforms sharing same motive would end up wasting our time .... just in refreshing... each of them one by we find in the present-tense-trends.....

And no doubts we all do like this....nay?

P.S. - The title is a 'sociable' confusion, not a 'social' confusion. Mind it!