Thursday 2 July 2015

'A BOLD IMMEDIATE ACTION' - Reaction to a real risk of danger.


-Starting life anew is one of the greatest challenges of the human mind. Because there's always a disenchantment associated despite achieving material comforts.

"CONFRONTATIONS" - Actually, are not that bad, as they sound initially or during our initial resistance to them. All we need, is just a little patience & courage to give them a try!

Each one of us, at some point of time, confront - 'confrontations' in its various forms. Be it confronting your failures, your believes, your expectations, your disappointments or the bigger ones like confronting your inner fears, or even yourself. It becomes even more necessary when you want to get out of the 'social pressure' of behaving 'sophisticatedly'.

You know....there exists, a RED (No need to mention, the color of danger) - COLORED BUTTON, familiar, yet very unfamiliar to us, which most of us procrastinate to press; despite knowing that it needs to be done one day.

And all it takes, is just a 'MOMENT' which can be defined as the moment generated, out of ignorance, rejection, hyperactivity, introspection & sometimes even out of escapism, depending on the kind of reality/ situation, you come across & on the 'Signature Strengths' you own.

Then it is concluded by a formal 'Dictum' from inside echoing "LET IT GO".
It can also be perceived as the final stage 'A' of the psychiatrist 'Kübler-Ross's Model' or well- known as the '5 stages of grief' - DABDA expanded on as:-
D - Denial
A - Anger
B - Bargaining
D - Depression
A - Acceptance
[About which, I came to know from an intellectual & close friend of mine:)]

So, the aforementioned, final stage 'A' is Acceptance, leading to a sort of 'M.R' or 'Mental Resilience' proving the fact that 'M.R' is neither that hard to obtain as it sounds, nor it is inherited, but is attainable with an effective series of efforts.

After it, comes the stage of 'LOVING YOURSELF' :)

And yes, it's not always like "abstracting or decluttering".... It can also be like "keeping up with harmony, respect & care". It's more relaxing, believe me :)


"Elixa and Ivan"

A moment of impromptu behaviour .... followed by a verdict of sudden 'inapplicable' halt by the side of Elixa.

Though she understands Ivan's fettle, his incumbency, his liabilities, his milieu, his clay ....or say minutely everything 'bout him.... But was in dominion of her self-generated (or more appropriately), 'self-seeking' chimera.... miles away from reality....

A day-long thought process, finally agreed to a concoction that can be presumed a near form of 'escapism' by most.
The so-called 'decision' lasted for about a week, involving several 'propensity of receptiveness'. At last, it ended. Ended on the commencement, of a proved mischance for many. But a proved 'incentive' too, on part of Elixa, to initiate once again, as always before.
Ivan's words depicted his restlessness, in his gesture, which he always wanted to hide from her, but was deciphered by Elixa.
Despite, perceiving Ivan's curiosity, she limited herself only in few words.
Probably, this week-long moratorium had brought a tranquility, to her soul, making her a bit complacent.
Implying this moratorium as a proven benefit to herself, she started all over again with an increasing chic each day....
BUT, what if she encounters, the same delusion once more??

•The more deep, the affliction is.....
The more inexplicit, my creations become....