Monday 27 June 2016

"Come to think of it ...."

It is, while reading about Kohlberg's Theory & Piaget's Ideas of Moral Development & Various stages of Emotional Development in humans that I had a sort of brainstorm & decided to write this post.


It was interesting to find out that posing moral dilemmas on humans, can result in better understanding of their personalities. It is because solving moral dilemmas involves trying to coordinate with one's conflicting needs & motives (including the laws of one's culture + morality of one's peers + parents' & teachers' guidelines + self interest).
Our Moral Decision Making benefits from practice & maturity & yes :) also from the 'specific' instructions, we get from our elders, on how to generalize those to "life".


Oscar Wilde once said, " The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray. "
And what I feel, going astray is the only way to get our worlds. (A bit philosophical, I know ;-D)
One more philosophy I remember, says, "The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think."
Emotions play an important role in life. Our emotional expressions change with the dimensions of emotions when we grow towards maturity. All of us have different patterns of emotional development & are affected by various factors such as our health, intellectual levels, environment etc.

There are these basic emotions like :-
• Happy :-)
• Excited :-D
• Tender :-l
• Scared :-o
• Angry :-(
• Sad :-/

And yes, not to forget, differences of emotional expressions are vehemently found between Girls & Boys. Girls often dissolve into tears or temper outbursts while Boys express their annoyance & anxiety by being sullen & moody.
But even these emotional development & differences in men & women have some purposes.
-Men like excitement, challenges, change, uncertainty..While Women like predictability, safety, continuity, roots & relationship - stability.
-She typically cares more than he, about details of almost everything.
-She tempers his impulsiveness & foolish tendencies while he nudges her out of apathy & excessive caution.
-She expresses confidence in her man when he feels to be needed.
-She appreciate little & big things his man does, while he does & wants best for her.

And these very contrasting inclinations work to a couples' best advantage.

Primary emotional needs of She includes Caring, Understanding & Respect. While He needs Space, Support & Appreciation for his deeds.

Even their stress-coping-techniques are different from each other as He reduces stress by forgetting about problems while She prefers talking about the problem to reduce stress.

Here's the formula :-)

1)Being aware of each others' (needs + emotions) = helps in the prosperity of relationship;


2)(lack of awareness) + (lack of communication) = leads to Emotional Resentment.


Which formula are you applying?

P.S. (1)Thoughts and ideas expressed in this blog post are illustrative and not exhaustive.
         (2) Neither of He or She is superior but yes, each is certainly unique :)

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