Thursday 13 August 2015


The story of G N SAIBABA

Feeling a different kind of zeal .... different from my conventional one, as today I'm going to give 'liberty of words' to the patriotic me. Expatiately, a concerned-patriotic, who is not restricted just to plaudits for her country, but also feels the
necessity to confront it, at times, needed.
After taking cognizance on media reports, of a 'POLITICALLY AILED' professor of English literature at Delhi University, I felt so brimmed up, with emotions that I found no other 'expedient' to 'aid' him, than to write about him, making his "illicit sufferings" & "atrocious incarceration" known, to as many as I could.
What a deliberate 'satanism', our so-called affable & humane law and order, has shown towards him ..... brutally commendable !!
His role in 'the pictures' was just like any other "Hero" of Indian-cinema, heroic enough, to raise his voice against the wrong & helping the poor (adivasis & lower castes, in this case.)
But, sorry to inform that this drama neither ended 'happily' nor with the salutes & applauses, the hero used to get from his showgoers. Perhaps, because this hero doesn't possess a fab-bod & muscle power, but a WHEEL CHAIR, a PEN & a DETERMINATION instead that disastrously ended-up weighing less.
And on comparisons between 'reel & real' life, the latter one has proven to have more horrible consequences. As the excruciating 'denial' given to the professor in the jail, has the caliber to put on shame, even the worst draconian-acts 'reeled' anywhere .... !!
At last, tuning to my previous one, 'ON MY MIND', the real meanings & connotations associated with 'POLITICS' can be miserably sensed one more time ....!!



"Who chose the way to exit ?"
"Did I ?"
"Did you ?"
OR "Did the universe conspire it for us ?"
Well, 'silence' will work efficiently, here also.
In my 'callowly' ways of thinking, I always believed that sharing brings happiness. But according to your 'cognitive' ways, de facto is 'silence', as the best tool .... anyone can use, against anyone (especially in 'cardiac' matters).
As, it never unveils your vulnerabilities.
When analyzed on the application part, it's the best, actually.
"IT'S THERE NOW, IT WON'T BE THERE TOMORROW".....As It's become ephemeral for you now. Then, what's the need to show
it? To show it to an 'uninvited person'.... irrespective of your 'know-how' & 'strangeness' towards her.
It's always been your best of thoughts, "WHO CARES?"....
Yes! really, truly, nobody cares. And if they came to know that you care (for them), they will walk all over you ... In fact, they'll enjoy this very fact, at their "ludicrously humour best", along with faking their 'deceptive care' on your face, to get the continuous supply of care from your side.
Well, it may not be the case, but approximately, how far would it go from the aforementioned 'perceived' one? At least, from the perspective of "the one" who has experienced it 'non-uniformly', every now-and-then.
But yes, all of it can be branched-out to avoid any ramifications further ... by "Making a subtle exit, no matter....
what the silences have, in store for you... thereafter!" :)


Yes.... I often find myself immersed.... in a beginner's dilemma. So, I thought it would be interesting to pen it down too. :)
In MY opinion, one doesn't need 'spectacular surroundings of nature' or 'lap of hills' to begin with.... Ideas can come, even from an ordinary place, like your room. They do come to me at least. :)

•The journey commences :-
- FROM looking the mirror on my left, TO shifting away my gaze through the reflection of the painting inside, actually on my right.
- FROM looking the snapshot 'engraved' in the shiny golden frame, inside the showcase, straight in front of me, TO taking away my gaze (along with my head) towards the ceiling, stopping at the angle of 135° (probably !), tilting my head backwards.
-FROM shrinking my eyes, in thoughts, when i feel overflowed with too many ideas & pictures simultaneously, TO gently holding my face in my palms, when I feel my head, totally junk- cleaned (with no running 'apps' behind), as clear as a "BLANK CANVAS".
And a 'BLANK CANVAS' depicts an ocean of opportunities. So, from here, I find myself prepared enough to make the tip of my
pen, touch the 'blankness' of the paper.
Then, I BEGIN.... :)


All-inclusives were advancing routinely. The so-called 'change' being 'constant' marked a new facet of life. I acclimatized myself to a new place, new people & new journey. There were new things to learn everyday.... but new experiences were not visible as per my panorama.
A month passed normally. But with the advent of août, my instincts started flashing 'something' .... as if I was a 'clairvoyant' for that time being.
I was feeling 'its' ingress in my 'essence'.
I became able to comprehend 'its' surety to come.
I had even contrived myself, well-before the arrival of this 'subject' .
And that day, in the evening, I read that.... I felt a feeble stretch on my left side of face. The next day I felt 10% more cheerful than usual en route ( I still don't know, & I can't
explain 'why'). But then, an unexpected interruption (a bizzare one) arrived & with a feeling of all-enthusiasm drained-up.... I
came back. It was 1st of août.
Then again, a week passed ordinarily. And exactly on the eve of 8th, same things happened, the same way.
This time 'its' advent was sure for the 2nd half. On 8th, the 1st half passed, with me, waiting eagerly, for the 2nd.
Finally, the clock strucked 11:00 in the morning.
And from here onwards, things changed eternally or I can say


Every aspect of her is different ..... in every way!
But 'each' has it ALL. A unique blend of 'Plentitude'.
It leaves me astonished! How could anyone have such a supreme dexterity to transmogrify 'HIS' chef d'eouvre like this??
In order to understand that ..... I feel the need to make myself aware with the canonicals ..... required to connect to 'HIM'.
To understand ..... the approach 'HE' adopted to accomplish her ..... the contrivance 'HE' developed to complete 'HIS'
I'll keep on trying ....:)


I still remember....her exquisite an archangel in my life!....exhilarating eyes, an elegant like nature has epitomized her as a symbol of beauty inclusion of entirety!

Ohh! her hitherto sweet demeanor! ....fully credulous...
I find myself as an incessant admirer of her. She enkindles me every second.

Today, there was a significant juncture of her life!
As always ....I resisted.... denying all my passion!.. masking truth behind my levity....
But! there was something in the Zephyr today .... that made me come out of my zone de confort....
I waited ...waited long to encounter the repercussions.....
Few minutes later, I came out of my confabulation..
I finally encountered....
I felt the extrication....ingrained!
That moment was really an elixir of my life!
I finally acquired that....
P.S. -Purposely incognitus.


√ "THE 16PF"